WeChat Basics

2023年8月22日—TogetyourWeChatURL,youneedtocreateaWeChatofficialaccount.Herearethestepsonhowtodoit:1.OpenWeChatandgotoMe ...,2016年2月16日—IfyouhaveaPCwebsiteandwishforuserstosharecertainpagestowechat.whatyoucandoisgenerateaQRcodeforthatlink,thusw...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to get my WeChat URL

2023年8月22日 — To get your WeChat URL, you need to create a WeChat official account. Here are the steps on how to do it: 1. Open WeChat and go to Me ...


2016年2月16日 — If you have a PC website and wish for users to share certain pages to wechat. what you can do is generate a QR code for that link, thus when ...

Is there any method to share text from mobile web to ...

2017年7月10日 — Wechat doesn't have any official deep linking URL for sending a text. However, if you can add some JavaScript Code in your mobile web, ...

WeChat DeepLink

WeChat link sharing needs to launch WeChat to share messages. A click on the message can open the webpage.

WeChat Share

... in WeChat and tap ··· to share. 在微信中使用 扫一扫 功能扫描以下二维码后点击右上角的 ··· 按钮进行分享. Copy the link and open WeChat to share. Copied! Open ...


This is a solution to share to Chat or share on Moments on the WeChat home page, articles, pages, etc. ... 支持自定义微信默认分享图标URL; 支持自定义微信默认 ...

ᐈ Link generator for WeChat & social networks

To create your WeChat link you need to copy your URL from your QR code. Open Wechat, at the bottom go to the “ME” section. At the top click on your profile ...


1. Click Copy button to copy the link. · 2. Click Open WeChat button to open the WeChat App. · 3. In WeChat, paste the link to share your friends.


選擇您的按鈕類型選擇相關的網站工具來增加您的網站流量 · 自定義設計選擇社交網路並定製按鈕以匹配您的品牌 · 將代碼添加到您的網站插入您的唯一ShareThis 代碼到您網站的 ...


2023年8月22日—TogetyourWeChatURL,youneedtocreateaWeChatofficialaccount.Herearethestepsonhowtodoit:1.OpenWeChatandgotoMe ...,2016年2月16日—IfyouhaveaPCwebsiteandwishforuserstosharecertainpagestowechat.whatyoucandoisgenerateaQRcodeforthatlink,thuswhen ...,2017年7月10日—Wechatdoesn'thaveanyofficialdeeplinkingURLforsendingatext.However,ifyoucanaddsomeJavaScriptCodeinyourmobileweb, ...,WeChatlinksh...
